“Thank you Dear Deborah for your great kindness, your sensitivity, and awareness. I feel so privileged to be in your group, to have the presence of the holy spirit and the down to earth compassion for our conflicts. and to feel the Divine presence supporting us, holding us. This is what I want and love. Thank you dear soul of radiant light. I can’t wait to come again.”
“Thank you once again for facilitating a beautiful meeting of our hearts and souls at your home today. I think we all
came away with a sense of being seen and loved just the way we are. Who could ask for anything more?”
” I was enjoying the afterglow of our meeting for a few weeks! Thank you.”
“You guide us with such a light and loving energy. What a joy to work with you and feel light emerging through the darkness and doing so without the aid of an authority. Many, many thanks for your warm heart and wisdom. I feel so blessed by this time together and look forward to the next meeting.”
“We drove home with light hearts and profound feelings of wholeness. I loved the process we engaged in and the gentle way you guided it.”
“Flesh & bones, heart & soul, mind and body transformation.”
“Deborah is an exquisite teacher — sharp as a packet of needles, soft as a kitten, warm as spring sunshine.”
“Deborah is a masterfully compassionate teacher who does not hold back. I am so grateful to have her in my life.”
“Deborah’s ability to hold space in Presence is unparalleled, and her wisdom and tenderness are incredible.”
”Deep Gratitude for the HUGE space you held today. Tender Power Indeed. Your gracefulness and graciousness touched me deeply. Deep, loving, tender bow to you. Thank you again for allowing so much space…and for your deep, soulful listening.”
“It was really refreshing to meet someone whose presence was such a powerful help and who had seemingly no agenda or preconceptions about any of us or what we needed. I left feeling very grounded in my own awareness and common sense, without even feeling like I had been “taught” anything so much as just helped to come into that place.”
“I don’t know how to thank you for your sitting except to say I LOVE YOU on so many dimensions, through so many planes, from all the perspectives that I can hold. The healing strength of your ‘signal’ is only matched by its delicacy. One really does have to be ready/able to receive it, but everyone notices, thats for sure! What respect for Other you model. What trans-egoic generosity! What CLASS! I think more than anything thats what you role model for me…incredible class. This is how a Queen behaves. Generous, beautiful, wise, patient, and surrounded by the kind of soulful luxury befitting your station. This is your secret teaching for me.”
“I have been basking in the afterglow of the sitting that you provided. There is something truly luxurious about having an hour to share and to hear from others. That combined with your keen ability to listen, your extensive education and training, your obvious wisdom, and the mutuality of those who gathered made this a very special sitting.”
“I am resting in your comments. They certainly challenge my own view of myself, and I take them seriously. Thank you so much. Could it be that the only thing I have to do is be myself! How radical that would be. :-)”
“At this point I am “getting” as never before the futility of trying to improve as a means to awakening. I have read this many times and certainly can repeat it mentally. However, it seems to be settling into my being in a new way, and I am excited about that.”
“I learn so much from you, not just what you say, but what you don’t, and your very way of Being. I learn so much about mutuality through your kindness.”
“Thank you for providing this extraordinary experience of sharing in mutuality. I was so moved by the wonderful sharing that took place and the love that was expressed. I know I shall be unpacking this experience for some time.”
“I deeply appreciate your kindness, wisdom, compassion, skill, and warmth. Once again, I was able to break through a long held pattern and continue the process of coming more into my authentic self. I love coming to your sittings, I love the way you work with each person, I love the format, and I love it that we each get a longer period of time in which to explore and address what is “up” for us. I find this so satisfying.”
“Deborah listens deeply and with an ocean of acceptance. Her presence and attention are profoundly healing, and she models that for the others in the group so the benefits are magnified. We all become healing agents for each other. To stand in one’s truth and be fully accepted is pure love. My experience from these healings is that I feel like I have angel wings that unfurl to the beauty of life all around and inside me. It makes me soar for days and weeks afterwards.”
“Each and every sitting I have attended with Deborah has had a deepening and nurturing effect in the mysterious wellness of Being I could experience afterwards, not to say the least of the precious moments of Mutuality that unfolded within the invisible holding and protecting space only Presence and Tenderness can create.”
“Deborah, I deeply appreciate your wisdom, your support, your insight, your honesty and your open warm heart. I like the way you lead the group, maintain boundaries, facilitate, and keep track of time.”
“Deborah gave us the safe and loving space to take a look at the fabric of our pains and joys. These sittings have greatly accelerated my process of growing comfortable in myself and with others.”
“Deborah you are the best! Thank you for your holding and hugs. You have an amazing capacity to hold people wherever they are and skillfully distill and untangle their thoughts and feelings. You have a gift to be sure. Thank you for shining your light in my direction.”
“What a treasure beings like you are holding for our present and becoming world! How grateful I feel that the Great Spirit has allowed me to discover this treasure trove through you! And using such a name goes beyond concepts of duality or non-duality. Never heretofore have I felt such complete reception of my sensitive and ideative soul-nature through a written message and I could not help but letting tears of gratitude overflow my cup.”
“Thank you for your kindness to me as a new Waking Down community member. Your heart is enormous and very generous. Thank you for shining it my way!”
“The safety and wisdom that you shared pierced through a lot of my confusion. Thank you!”
“How wonderful everything worked out as it did, Being unfolding in and as each and every one… how mysterious! I wish there were weekly sittings in my area! I never felt such a powerful emanation from anybody’s gaze! And I could feel it, and could feel your compasssion even when not gazing, in the midst of living the pains of the past, dark material being cooked by the heat of the hearts, the previous evening’s question being fully answered! Thank you Deborah for that space of mutual holding and all possible transformations created!”
“My deep gratitude to you for your compassionate astute guidance.”
“I have held your image in my mind much of the time since our last session. It makes me feel your sweetness and loving presence (such that I have never quite felt before). I feel so extremely grateful that you are in my life and feel you have propelled many of these dreams and feelings of Oneness that I have been having. I am so looking forward to exploring and growing with your guidance.”
“Deborah created a profound opening, and we came together in deep receptivity to each other in ways that simply kept opening, wider & wider.”
“Deborah creates a divine feminine field where the sharing reaches extraordinary levels of heartfelt and deep connection and expansion in each individual and in mutual connection. I treasure Waking Down Sittings with Deborah!”
“Deborah holds safe, loving and well-organized space.”
“Your amazing capacity to hold people just where they are and nurture them with such real love is a wonder and treasure.”
“I bow to you as the master of whatever it is that makes people feel seen.”
“I feel shelter and safety around you and when talking to you. I am so grateful to have you in my life.”
“My second birth process started during your workshop where I felt a sense of my consciousness landing here and dropping down to my feet and the earth. Thank you for so skillfully guiding me on that day.”
“I haven’t had a better teacher for my style, challenge and comfort. I love that Deborah seems to have a very sensitive sense of the times I’m asking for input and when that’s not the case. I feel that she never loses the sense that for better or worse I’m my own ongoing teacher, and when she is forthright, her insights feel very right on to me.”
“Deborah was perfect. I wish I had a medal to give her for her valiant holding! She is pure grace.”
“Deborah was extraordinary, in particular with her gentle tender holding and insightfulness. She welcomed forward a deeply wounded part of me that had been waiting my whole life to be met merely with her safe, skilled trustworthy presence.”
“I very much appreciate the grace and strength that Deborah brought to holding our entire retreat.”
“Deborah is intuitive and skilled.”
“Being in your presence was soothing in a way I’ve never experienced.”
“I look forward to following this thread of embodiment that you introduced me to; I feel like it is a very important part of my life.”
“I also wanted to thank you for the powerful experiences I had in your session. I experienced two very dramatic shifts. First, when you had us touch various parts of our torso, I experienced a strong and powerful feeling of landing in myself, dropping down solidly into my shoes and onto the earth. In the second practice when you suggested we connect to the support of the Earth — in that grand context of being “held” by the earth I was able to experience my feelings and sensations in a more direct and stark encounter — in some way I stepped more directly into relationship with myself and everything around me. I feel that before your workshop my consciousness was not fully embodied, and since that point, my life has been qualitatively different.”
“I am so very grateful for your influence in my life.”
“Deborah embodies non-judgment and love. She is a fabulous container.”
“Deborah is a beautiful teacher/facilitator. Deep, light, caring.”
“Deborah is a giving, wise, thoughtful, and very effective teacher. Her sittings aren’t full of dharma, or hidden principles to follow. To me, her true teachings come from a very well-rounded, and close grasp of each of the students’ processes, struggles and uniqueness. Her presence is like being by divine warmth. She’s very easy to talk to, and orderly, providing a safe group experience for the participants.”
“Dear Deborah and Waking Down group, I can’t thank you all enough for providing such a safe place for me to fall apart in – or – fall together in. Your presence was very appreciated.”
“Deborah was wonderful as a leader of the group. I felt free to share.”
“Deborah is brilliant, supporting my process fully and mirroring back to me so clearly.”
“She is extremely kind, yet deadly precise ? which is exactly what I wanted. Innumerable openings of the heart because of her presence. Very special! Deep feelings of divine purpose were evoked and shared.”
“Deborah is wonderful, kind, generous, gentle.”
“Deborah is very skilled, has a big big heart, and clearly a love of her work/play and others? process.”
“Deborah is one of the most beautiful, loving women I have ever had the privilege to know. There is just something about her that makes me be more fully me when I am with her. She is like a muse at times, yet the more she shares, the more I realize that she walks the earth like I do, with her own daily challenges. Her heart is so huge and ready to comfort and melt away pain for those who call on her. And there is a mysterious charm about her that leaves me wondering where she came from and how she landed here, on earth. Was she really born, or did she just decide one day to inhabit a body so that we could keep her company? What I feel when she writes to me is beyond words, and paradoxical–sister, goddess, woman, mother, beauty. Her words cut through all my walls; she climbs inside my heart and dances with me there, reflecting back to me my own beauty, my own strength, calling forth parts of myself that I thought were a secret. It’s as if she says, “Secret? I think not! You are broadcasting such love and fierce aliveness! Do you think that I cannot see you?”
“I feel so VERY SAFE with you, like I am securely held, safely, with love and nurturing, in a large hammock and I can’t fall out. :-)”
“Someone like you, who is intimately familiar with broken souls and broken zones, can help me process in my body the traumatic emotions I have repressed and locked up for decades. You have gone deep into your own psyche, and that gives me the hope and confidence in your ability to guide me, or at least to point a helpful way.”
“Thank you for tracking with me, no matter how far I go off into the dark wilderness of despair. With the way you receive me, I never feel lost.”
“You were clearly a fusion between my guardian angel and muse. Your ever-loving smiles and your occasionally stern-looking gazings, combined with your profound words of compliment, assurance and insight all made for some of the most profound blessings I’ve ever received. This is so because real changes in me took place through them. Your loving smile and support enabled my lifelong intense sensitivity to come forth less defended and compensated by my mind and words. This is just a spring-like first shoot coming out of the earth kind of thing—very easily killed by a frost—but one that I think I’ve experienced enough that a second shoot would venture forth if the first were lost. I mean this is a very big growth in me even though it is so tender, subtle and vulnerable. It’s a gift I’ll always feel came from your influence.”
“Deborah is love incarnate! She is the safest place I have ever rested my soul, feeling held, safe and embraced by her. Deborah’s insights are astounding, as she slowly, softly sweetly gets right at the core. Exposing my total woundedness to her is as easy as exposing my bliss. When we are having a session, all time stops, it is only NOW, and she and I. Truly, I have never felt so much movement that is at the same time so gentle. Maybe the sky is falling in, but it is really all okay because I am safe in the Heart of Love. That Heart is Deborah Boyar, and I highly recommend her to anyone seeking profound, yet gentle transformation. You bring her the thorns, and she graces you with the rose…and somehow you know that however muddy, murky and yucky the foundation seems, a garden will grow.”
“Hearing your sweet, caring voice validate me for who I am regardless of where I am was more empowering than I can express with words. Releasing tears while hearing your words was immensely helpful. Thank you for listening to me and for helping to teach me that I am okay right here. I know that’s the truth, and that’s what I also want to grow to embody.”
“Your love and transmission are so sweet, so safe, and so powerful that they absolutely break through my barriers to receiving, and move directly into my Heart. Since our session, my life has been filled with the most simple and profound contentment, beyond any I have ever known. I dropped once again into this place of unification, oneness, seamless connection where there simply is nothing that must be done but rest happily in what is.”
“When I write you I feel like you get what I’m saying, that even though I’m limited to using words, that you see through the words to the essence of what I’m saying and that not only do you get it, but you care. A rough analogy would be that my words are like a blueprint for a house, and when you look at the words, instead of seeing just the blueprint, the lines, the notations, the little arcs and polygons, you actually see the house, and not only that, but you see the details that I can’t even convey in the blueprint but that are there, like Rover running around in the yard barking, or the carnations and lilies around the fountain in the front; thanks.”
“Your very feminine holding can keep masculine energy from bulldozing too fast.”
“You always have a fresh perspective that takes into account the depth of others’ points of view and situations.”
“This was an exquisitely powerful and supportive experience—way beyond my expectations or hopes. Such a gentle and supportive way to open one to authentic awakening and spiritual growth. I was awed by the power of what we experienced, as well as by the love that just flowed. Highly recommended.
“We drove home with light hearts and profound feelings of wholeness. I loved the process we engaged in and the gentle way you guided it. I’m looking forward to the next time we meet and work together. Many, many thanks.”